First Aid Training in Worcester, Droitwich, Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Evesham, Tewkesbury and more

Workplace First Aid Training in Worcester

It’s not a question of if you need First Aid cover at work, it’s a question of what First Aid cover you need.

This is all based on your Risk Assessment of First Aid Needs. Don’t worry if you haven’t got one yet, we can help with that.

This is what helps you determine what level of training you need, what equipment and facilities to provide and if there is anything special you should consider and plan for. 

Always plan for the worst, not the most likely. Think of it this way: who goes to prison if the worst should happen? 

About this course

A one-day Emergency First Aid at Work course is sufficient for most workplaces but where you have more staff, buildings or higher risk activities then the 3-day First Aid at Work is needed. Check out the course options below to decide which suits your needs best.

Still not sure which course you need? Contact us, or get in touch with your insurance provider (after all, it’s them who will cover your butt, or leave you in the 💩) and they will be able to guide you. 



Our courses are fully regulated and guided by leading frameworks.

“Fabulous course, trainer was really good. Explained everything, nothing was a problem. Brilliant xx”
“The course was one of the best I have been on, the trainer was good. Well done!”
“Confidence is the key factor for me. I can leave this course feeling confident that I can continue to be a first aider when needed.”
“Very good course. Gwion delivered excellently despite COVID restrictions. Best first aid course I have completed. I would like Gwion to teach my next course.”
“Great course, filled me with confidence.”
“I found the content and delivery better than previous first aid courses I have attended.”
“Great instructor. Courses in the past have been dry and hard to follow. Gwion is easy to understand and entertaining.”
“I have attended over 20 courses, this was the best so far. Learned many new things.”
Hotel Manager
“Gwion was very personable and easy to follow. I came in as a bit of an amateur and have left far more clued up! Great course!”
Museum Curator
“Best first aid course I have attended.”
“Gwion is very articulate and can make anybody understand anything. He is very humourous and makes learning very enjoyable! Very respectable person!”

Course options

Emergency First Aid at Work Level 3

What you’ll learn:

A one day course to provide a solid foundation in the most common and life threatening injuries and conditions likely to be encountered in the workplace. 

  • What is first aid?
  • Legislation
  • Responsibilities of a First Aider
  • Action in an emergency
  • Primary survey
  • Secondary assessment
  • CPR and Defibrillators
  • Choking
  • Shock
  • Wounds and bleeding
  • Seizures
  • Minor burns and scalds
  • Foreign Objects & Unit Closure

First Aid at Work Level 3

What you’ll learn:

A more comprehensive course covering a wider range of injuries, illnesses and conditions that a First Aider might encounter at work, at leisure or at home. 

Day 1

  • Everything in the Emergency First Aid at Work course, plus…

Day 2 and 3

  • Recap on primary survey and secondary assessment
  • Bones, joints and muscle injuries
  • Head and spinal injuries
  • Chest and abdominal injuries
  • Specialised burn injuries
  • Eye injuries
  • Poisoning
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Course Closure

All courses now include a COVID-safe module which safeguards all of your First Aiders and makes them completely up to date with the latest guidance around coronavirus, how it spreads and how to reduce the risks to all involved.

Why choose Worcester First Aid?

Workplace First Aid FAQs

A damn fine question! And we wish there was a simple answer. You need to carry out a Risk Assessment of First Aid Needs and then decide from there.

Ultimately it’s down to the risk level of the work, workplace, activities, remoteness, demographic of the staff.

Always better to have more cover than you need though.

Want to take a Workplace first aid course with us?

We’d be delighted to answer any other questions you might have, and get you booked on this course. Contact a member of our team today for more information.