First Aid Training in Worcester, Droitwich, Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Evesham, Tewkesbury and more

Outdoor First Aid Training

With fewer people going abroad this year more people are heading for the Great British Outdoors…and who can blame them? It’s a glorious and beautiful place to be! 

The outdoor environment is such an idyllic haven of tranquility…until something goes wrong and being far from the madding crowd can make even minor wounds become deadly.

Learn how to deal with the injuries and the environment in this comprehensive and industry recognised Level 3 course. 

About this course

Learn from fellow outdoor enthusiasts who not only share your passion but understand the hazards and environment very well. 

The greatest killers outside are huge bleeding, anaphylaxis, not breathing or hypothermia due to shock.

Make sure you’re skilled to the max before heading out



Our courses are fully regulated and guided by leading frameworks.

“Better than St John in every aspect. No role-play (which gives false confidence) just lots of practical, which gave me real skills.”
Shooting Coach
“Answered questions, patient, listened and very friendly.”
Outward Bound Instructor
“A good refresher and chance to practice skills in a supportive environment. Also learned some differing practical skills which were important.”
Mountain Leader

Course options

Outdoor First Aid

What you’ll learn:

Split over two days, the course will contain the following modules.

Day 1

  • What is outdoor first aid?
  • Incident management
  • First aid equipment
  • Summoning assistance
  • Scene survey
  • Primary survey
  • Resuscitation
  • Secondary assessment
  • Monitoring
  • Wounds and catastrophic bleeding
  • Hypovolaemic shock

Day 2

  • Bones, joints and muscle injuries
  • Head and spinal injuries
  • Chest and abdominal injuries
  • Major illnesses (Heart Attacks, Stroke, Asthma, Diabetes)
  • Anaphylaxis
  • The Effects of Extreme heat and cold
  • Burns
  • Choking
  • Eye injuries
  • Poisoning
  • Lymes Disease

All courses now include a COVID-safe module which safeguards all of your First Aiders and makes them completely up to date with the latest guidance around coronavirus, how it spreads and how to reduce the risks to all involved.

Why choose Worcester First Aid?

Outdoor First Aid FAQs

And some! This is a regulated qualification and is recognised by the DofE themselves. 

Of course if you come to us to train, you’ll be learning from the best! But we also have a proven track record of teaching DofE staff…Contact Us if you would like their details to get a recommendation. 

Want to take an outdoor first aid course with us?

We’d be delighted to answer any other questions you might have, and get you booked on this course. Contact a member of our team today for more information.