First Aid Training in Worcester, Droitwich, Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Evesham, Tewkesbury and more

Mental Health First Aid Training in Worcester

Just as we’re getting on top of one pandemic, another one is on the way: the struggles with Mental Health.

The current pandemic is also fuelling the rise in loneliness, anxiety, depression and suicide. 

You can learn to be a lifeline for anyone struggling: learn to spot the signs, how to start that all-important conversation and make a difference in someones’ life

About this course

Don’t take our word for it: Forbes states

‘A positive workplace culture improves teamwork, raises the morale, increases productivity and efficiency, and enhances retention of the workforce. Job satisfaction, collaboration, and work performance are all enhanced. And, most importantly, a positive workplace environment reduces stress in employees’

Almost two thirds (60%) of all work-related absence is due to stress, anxiety and depression. This is a pre-covid statistic (we’re still waiting on current figures) but imagine what those numbers are now? 

Leaders of organisations and employers have a duty of care toward the people around them to take greater steps towards alleviating the mental pain they are suffering. Everyone wins from this: the individual, their families and loved ones, the organisation and the community.

The cost to businesses in England is around £36 billion a year, and to the economy as a whole, the bill is about £106 billion annually. Suddenly a small investment by you seems like a drop in the ocean.



Our courses are fully regulated and guided by leading frameworks.

“The trainer had a wealth of knowledge (the slides weren’t as comprehensive as the trainers knowledge) which he was willing to share which enhanced the overall experience.”
“I really enjoyed the expansion into areas of concern such as self harm, depression and PTSD. Really great information. Overall I really enjoyed this and found the content so useful. While it shows I have a good understanding already, it also equips me to just notice signs more and practice watchful waiting, which is important.”
Sports Teacher
“Was kept engaged, did not become boring. Very clear, made the course enjoyable with a good variety of discussion and exercises.”
Youth Services
“Excellent course! It was good to refresh aspects of mental health and will increase my awareness of mental health issues in people that I interact with. I will cascade my learning to friends and colleagues.”
Mary Mills
Retired Air Stewardess
“I thoroughly enjoyed this course, the tutor was excellent. It was knowledgable, informative and enjoyable. Having been through mental health difficulties myself this was great.”

Course options

Level 1

What you’ll learn:

This 4 hour course is aimed at providing learners with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation and be able to signpost the person towards professional help.

  • Introduction
  • What is first aid for mental health?
  • Identifying mental health conditions
  • Providing advice and starting a conversation
  • Stress
  • Mental health conditions
  • Assessment and course closure

Level 2

What you’ll learn:

This 1-Day course covers the content of the Level 1 but also expands on the effects of drugs and alcohol, incorporates the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan and covers ways in which a positive mental health culture can be supported within a workplace.

  • Introduction
  • What is first aid for mental health?
  • Identifying mental health conditions
  • Providing advice and starting a conversation
  • Stress
  • Mental health conditions
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • First aid action plan for mental health, including practical assessment
  • Mental health in the workplace
  • Assessment and course closure

Level 3

What you’ll learn:

This 2-Day course goes into detail on a wide range of mental health conditions and the support and help provided by healthcare professionals. It covers the content of both the Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications but is aimed at management and supervisor level within the workplace.

Day 1

  • Introduction
  • What is first aid for mental health?
  • Identifying mental health conditions
  • Providing advice and starting a conversation
  • Stress
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • First aid action plan for mental health, including practical assessment
  • Mental health in the workplace
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Written assessment – paper 1

Day 2

  • Day 1 recap
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Self-harm
  • Suicide
  • Eating disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Assessment and course closure

All courses now include a COVID-safe module which safeguards all of your First Aiders and makes them completely up to date with the latest guidance around coronavirus, how it spreads and how to reduce the risks to all involved.

Why choose Worcester First Aid?

First Aid for Mental Health FAQs

Level 1 is an overview, Level 2 is best for most peoples needs, Level 3 three goes into more detail on Mental Health conditions and personality disorders and is perfect for anyone who leads teams or works with groups of people. 

Want to take a Mental Health first aid course with us?

We’d be delighted to answer any other questions you might have, and get you booked on this course. Contact a member of our team today for more information.