First Aid Training in Worcester, Droitwich, Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Evesham, Tewkesbury and more

Free First Aid Courses in Worcester

Are you a part of a worthy club, society, charity or local organisation that really needs First Aiders, but lack the funds to train them?

Every quarter, one such lucky organisation will win just that!

You can nominate your favourite cause, then get everyone you know to vote for it.

There will always be three to choose from. If yours doesn’t get chosen this time, pester us again and they get another go.

Most votes wins! Simples!

About this course

There are no strings!

We believe so passionately in providing people with potentially life-saving skills that four times a year we give away a full one day course, for up to 12 people, completely and utterly free!

There are so many worthy causes out there that deserve the leg up that we need your help to decide. Organisations receive:

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Voting is currently closed

Thank you for your interest. Voting is currently closed while we evaluate the next set of organisations who could receive free First Aid training. If you know of a group that could benefit, please nominate them here. 


Our courses are fully regulated and guided by leading frameworks.

Free First Aid FAQs


We cover the course manuals, certification, venue hire if need be, course consumables and giveaways. 

There is absolutely zero cost to the winner of the vote.

All courses now include a COVID-safe module which safeguards all of your First Aiders and makes them completely up to date with the latest guidance around coronavirus, how it spreads and how to reduce the risks to all involved.

Want to discuss free training opportunities?

If you have further questions, would prefer talking to someone about your training needs or would like to discuss your options, then please get in touch.

Nominate an organisation

We consider all nominations, although we cannot guarantee every organisation will be offered free first aid training.

1. About the organisation
2. About you

By submitting this form, you agree that you have read, understood and accept our privacy policy and that we can reply to you and/or contact the organisation you are nominating. You acknowledge this site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.