First Aid Training in Worcester, Droitwich, Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Evesham, Tewkesbury and more

First Aid Training for Schools in Worcester

Get your 12 hour qualification in one day!

Nope, not one hugely long day: the theory information can be done in your own time then we meet in the classroom to cover all the practical elements. Saves operational time for you, gives the Oftsed and EYFS approved Regulated qualification plus you still get the pleasure of seeing one of our lovely faces.

Courses for schools and childcare settings can be done on inset days or on weekends, further preserving the time you can have the little cherubs in your care to drive you nuts, scream until they’re blue or embarrass their parents with interesting drawings, leaving you exhausted, entertained and for some crazy reason wanting to do it all again tomorrow! 

About this course

Looking after someone else’s children is a huge responsibility which makes you both incredibly brave and mildly unhinged (in our opinion) because children of all ages are ingeniously inventive when it comes to ways to damage themselves. 

Leave nothing to chance: come and learn from the best (and obviously most witty and charming) to make sure your school or childcare setting is head and shoulders above the rest in your readiness, skillset and equipment levels.

Using our 3-year payment option means you can now afford to have a defibrillator, Adrenaline autoinjectors (epipens) and other pricey kit on-site without the large initial cash outlay meaning you’re prepared for anything that happens to children, staff or parents. 



Our courses are fully regulated and guided by leading frameworks.

“I really enjoyed the delivery of the course and Gwion was very good. Thank you, it was a very enjoyable day. Your delivery and knowledge was amazing.”
“Gwion made the training fun. He is honest and keeps things simple. Thank you very much.”
“I really enjoyed this course, very dynamic and I have learned new things that I haven’t learned in other courses.”
Anna Maria
“It is good that the course can be taken at a weekend. I would definitely rebook and recommend.”
“This course was well explained and taught. The instructor was able to answer our questions and helped us to understand the course well. Thank you.”
Nursery Teacher
“Gwion was excellent in his delivery, perfect course. Very encouraging.”
“The trainer went into a lot of detail but also gave examples of what to do if you forget the small details in an emergency. Excellent trainer with lots of valuable experience. Thank you.”
School Administrator
“I would book my next course with this instructor and recommend him to all my friends. Lovely course. Thank you very much.”
“Gwion was very informative. I feel the course was excellent and presented extremely well. The pace was right for me and I understood at all times what was happening.”
“A friendly, professional instructor who made the course fun.”
Primary School Teacher

Course options

Emergency Paediatric First Aid

What you’ll learn:

The Emergency Paediatric First Aid course provides the base level of life-saving skills as well as an understanding of the role and includes dealing with the more common injuries and ailments that can be found in a childcare setting:

  • Introductions
  • Role of the Paediatric First Aider
  • Primary survey
  • Secondary
  • Resuscitation and defibrillation
  • Seizures
  • Choking
  • Wounds, bleeding and shock
  • Bites and stings

Paediatric First Aid

What you’ll learn:

The first day of the Paediatric First Aid qualification is the same as the Emergency Paediatric First Aid but follows on and goes into more depth on child-specific conditions and illnesses.

Day 1

  • Everything in the Emergency Paediatric First Aid course


Day 2

  • Bones, joints and muscle injuries
  • Head and spinal injuries
  • Foreign body and eye injuries
  • Chronic medical conditions and illnesses (asthma, diabetes, meningitis, febrile convulsions)
  • Effects of heat and cold
  • Electric shock incidents
  • Burns and scalds
  • Poisoning
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Written assessment and course closure

Save a Child Course

What you’ll learn:

Aimed at anyone planning to have, in the process of baking, or already in possession of children this 4-hour course provides the basic life-saving skills for some of the biggest concerns:

  • Choking
  • Febrile Convulsions
  • Meningitis
  • Dealing with an unconscious child
  • Child and Baby resuscitation
  • Seizures and absence seizures
  • Anaphylaxis

All courses now include a COVID-safe module which safeguards all of your First Aiders and makes them completely up to date with the latest guidance around coronavirus, how it spreads and how to reduce the risks to all involved.

Why choose Worcester First Aid?

School and Childcare First Aid FAQs

Hell yes! The only difference in the course content is Anaphylaxis training. So you can do both qualifications at the same time, although a little more time needs to be allowed.

Want to take a first aid course for school or childcare with us?

We’d be delighted to answer any other questions you might have, and get you booked on this course. Contact a member of our team today for more information.