First Aid Training in Worcester, Droitwich, Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Evesham, Tewkesbury and more

Training Courses

Please see below for an overview of the courses we offer. If you need any help, advice or you can’t see the course that you need, please get in touch because if we don’t teach it, we’ll know someone equally (well, almost!) as fantastic as us.


First Aid Courses

Free First Aid Courses

What you’ll learn:

Every three months, we offer free first aid training to a worthy club, society, charity or local organisation that really needs First Aiders, but lack the funds to train them. Nominate someone or vote for your favourite cause.

First Aid for the Care Sector

What you’ll learn:

Whether you’re a private carer, a residential care setting, caring for a family member or part of a care in the community team we can help you with your training needs. 

Security & SiA First Aid Training

What you’ll learn:

How to deal with any First Aid situation you might encounter from instructors who have spent many years running nightclubs and bars in some of the more interesting areas of the country.

Knife crime First Aid

What you’ll learn:

How to deal with a stabbing or slashing incident. Violent crime isn’t going to go away, so let’s be real about it and do everything we can to be ready.

Forestry First Aid Training

What you’ll learn:

How to manage the unique risks from power tools, petrol-powered cutting tools, climbing, aggressive hand tools and evn hazardous chemicals when you’re a long way from professional help.

Workplace First Aid Training

What you’ll learn:

It’s not a question of if you need First Aid cover at work, it’s a question of what First Aid cover you need. We help you determine what level of training you need, what equipment and facilities to provide and if there is anything special you should consider and plan for.

Sports First Aid

What you’ll learn:

While all aspects of First Aid are covered, this course concentrates more on the recognition and treatment of injuries most common in the sport and activity world.

Outdoor First Aid

What you’ll learn:

The greatest killers outside are huge bleeding, anaphylaxis, not breathing or hypothermia due to shock. Learn from fellow outdoor enthusiasts who not only share your passion but understand the hazards and environment very well.

First Aid for Schools

What you’ll learn:

Leave nothing to chance when someone else’s children are in your care. Come and learn from the best (and obviously most witty and charming) to make sure your school or childcare setting is head and shoulders above the rest in your readiness, skillset and equipment levels.

Defibrillator Training

What you’ll learn:

More than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen every year in the UK. Without immediate help the chance of survival is zero. With effective CPR and early use of a defibrillator the chance of survival can go up to 74%. Be prepared, save a life, get on this course.

Mental Health Courses

Mental Health First Aid Training

What you’ll learn:

You can learn to be a lifeline for anyone struggling: learn to spot the signs, how to start that all-important conversation and make a difference in someones’ life.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

What you’ll learn:

The first course of its kind aimed specifically at helping with mental health difficulties in young people. Early intervention can help to prevent trauma from storing up and causing much greater problems for the future. 

First Aid Refresher Courses

First Aid Refresher

What you’ll learn:

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Not sure which course is right for you?

We’d be delighted to answer any other questions you might have, and explore which course might be most appropriate for your needs. Contact a member of our team today for more information.