First Aid Training in Worcester, Droitwich, Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Evesham, Tewkesbury and more

Frequently Asked Questions

These are just some of the questions we get asked a lot, and the answers we give. Hopefully, they can help you make a decision about the level of first aid training you might require. You might even learn something new! If you still have questions we haven’t answered here, feel free to contact us.

Not necessarily. It’s all down to your Risk Assessment of First Aid Needs. If you’ve never done one of these before, it’s at least worth doing so to be sure. Contact us to get started on a risk assessment.

If your risk assessment identifies the need, you should never scrimp on First Aid training though. Ask yourself who will be for the chop if something goes wrong and the organisation is unprepared…

Do you have a question we haven’t answered here?​

We’d be delighted to answer any other questions you might have, and explain how our first aid training works.  Contact a member of our team today for more information.